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EV1 Pippa Crystal Red +3.00 Reading Glasses with Case
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EV1 Pippa Crystal Red +3.00 Reading Glasses with Case

Product ID: 506247380
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Perhaps you are shopping for a trendy young woman and are looking for a pair of fashionable glasses at an affordable price that fit her current, pop-culture style. Or maybe you're shopping for yourself today, with unique detailing and coloration. Maybe you are someone who enjoys classic shapes that are also a little special. No matter the scenario, look no further! You've come to the right place! Ellen DeGeneres is a pop-culture icon who sets the trends consumers love and the EV1 eyewear collection offers a wide variety of fashionable choices in quality eyewear for women of all ages. This collection features classic, yet trendy shapes with ornate patterns and unique embellishments. Styles are very adaptable for everyday wear yet offer interesting designs, unlike any frames you've ever seen. Prepare to be complimented! Whether you're headed into the office or out for a night on the town, EV1 eyewear offers sophisticated styling for any occasion. Please be sure to shop our other EV1 eyewear items! Readers for everyone! Beautifully embellished with a pop of color on the inside, EV1 from Ellen DeGeneres eyewear is a fashionable and sophisticated collection featuring designs influenced by true pop-culture legend, Ellen DeGeneres! With a focus on function as well as fashion, all EV1 from Ellen DeGeneres styles are inclusive of spring hinges for added comfort, support, and flexibility! It delivers ornate details and features adaptive, easy-to-wear coloration that is both unique and imaginative Shapes and colors are easily adaptable to many lifestyles and are able to be worn by women of any and all ages! These reading glasses feature scratch-resistant lenses made from Level an acrylic that offers UV protection with the utmost clarity! No need to settle for flimsy, inferior readers! The EV1 from Ellen DeGeneres Readers collection offers quality reading glasses in a variety of powers to suit your unique eyewear needs

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

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Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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